Potente, Business Lawyer and Company Formation

As much as we attempt to create a sustainable culture from an environmental standpoint, many of our actions continue to exhibit a free-spirited “throw-away” mentality. We see this a lot with legal advice and tax advice. As great as the Internet is, it has caused a lot of these problems. When a client prefaces  a question with, “I was reading on the Internet…”, a sense of dread comes over the professional who is attempting to give advice. A great CPA friend of our law firm dreads those types of questions, as it only makes an already tough job much more difficult. It’s akin to talking shop with a brain surgeon after reading an article online about why your right hand shakes.

Additionally, it’s very difficult when a professional dispenses with advice and then the “hearer” decides to debate such learned advice with blog posts he or she found on the Internet. Skilled professionals not only build a strong foundation of knowledge through countless years of education, becoming accredited and licensed, and continuing professional education, but a wealth of wisdom is derived through years of practical experience. This is especially true for firms that aggregate their wisdom and experience; this only furthers the benefits of strong counsel.

All too often we hear about people choosing to ignore the advice dispensed by a professional advisor or in other words, they “throw it away.” For some reason, an impersonal computer screen, or a do-it-yourself website, brings more comfort and security. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Our law firm always marvels at the stellar work completed by another lawyer or law firm, a CPA, a financial advisor, or any other professional who truly has a passion for their trade and profession.

Find a strong a group of professional advisors and listen to them. We believe that everyone needs a solid attorney, CPA, and financial advisor. Further, these three should work together as a team so that you, as the client, truly benefit from the synergistic energy built on years of experience. Don’t look on the Internet or the phone book. Find a trusted a colleague who can refer you to a professional with a proven track record.

Lastly, don’t shop on price alone. Think about the other items you shop for in life: your flat screen TV, your house, your car, your vacation, your jewelry, your clothing, your concert tickets. Strong and reliable professional advice is just as important—if not more.

  • July 18, 2024
  • Blog

What Claudia Sheinbaum’s Election Means for the US as a Whole

Mexico’s recent election was massive. Literally. There were 98 million eligible voters and 70,000 candidates contesting 20,000 government positions. In this landmark election, Mexico opted to elect its first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum. Although this election has significant ramifications for Mexico, the US has also been watching keenly watching with...

  • July 10, 2024
  • Blog

An Intentional Approach to Organic Cross-Functional Collaboration

Cross-functional collaboration is a dynamic approach within an organization that integrates individuals from different departments with varying expertise to achieve a common goal. This can happen organically or be intentionally curated by organizational leaders. This article explores both organic and intentional approaches that foster increased internal collaboration and optimize benefits...