Lori Pauls

  • April 10, 2020
Lori Pauls Potente

Lori has been serving a diverse selection of industries for over 20 years. As Controller, she tackles common accounting challenges and implements best practices and procedures to help promote steady sustainable growth at POTENTE. She customizes a plan and creates a roadmap to allow for simplicity, focus, and balance in financial affairs.

Born and raised in Southern California, she moved to San Diego County in 2004 and loves living where others come to vacation. In her spare time, she loves to read, go to the movies, sketch in pastels, and cook creative meals for the family. She also volunteers her time and talents for the philanthropic group The Woman’s Club of Carlsbad.

Lori completed her Certificate in Accounting at the University of California Los Angeles.

  • October 24, 2024
  • Blog

Unveiling the Truth: What the National Public Data Hack Reveals About Cybersecurity Risks

In one of the largest data breaches to date, the cybercriminal group USDoD targeted National Public Data ("NPD"), a background check provider and data broker. The breach compromised an estimated 2.9 billion records containing personal information such as social security numbers, addresses, and details about relatives spanning over two decades....

Meet Pete Potente

We were lucky to catch up with Pete Potente recently and have shared our conversation below. Hi Pete, thanks for joining us today. We’d love to go back in time and hear the story of how you came up with the name of your brand? The name of my firm...