Meg Kubo
- March 12, 2020
Meg currently serves as a bilingual International Client Manager, supporting POTENTE’s Japanese clients. Committed to helping clients who have a business in the US or are considering starting a business in the US, Meg incorporates years of dedicated experience in delivering unmatched support in areas including document translation, foreign correspondence, and serving as an interpreter, among numerous other duties.
Meg grew up in a tiny town in Japan called Saga. She decided to study in the UK when she was 15 years old and spent valuable time there for 8 years. Today, her forever evolving love for learning brings a bubbly, positive attitude, to a team of already enthusiastic, high-energy power players.
Apart from her role at POTENTE, Meg is a passionate supporter of numerous single mother nonprofits and animal shelters. Alongside spending her free time with her family, including her adopted German Shepherd, she loves hiking, traveling, and good food and wine!
“アメリカにて起業されていらっしゃる方、もしくはこれから起業をお考えの方、全力でサポートいたします。いつでもお気軽にご相談ください。”-Meg Kubo